Vegai - Your AI Vegan Chef

Experience the Culinary Revolution!

Discover Vegai, your ultimate cooking companion for a sustainable and delicious culinary journey. With innovative AI technology, Vegai offers personalized vegan recipes tailored to your taste, while reducing food waste and promoting a greener planet.

Create mouthwatering plant-based dishes, savor each bite, and share the goodness with your loved ones. Vegai is your gateway to a sustainable future, one meal at a time.

Contact us at for any inquiries or support.

Imprint & Data Usage Declaration

  1. Google AdMob (Advertising):
    Vegai may display advertisements using Google AdMob to support the app's development and maintenance. Please note that these ads are shown without personalized targeting.
  2. External Links:
    Vegai may contain links to third-party websites for additional resources or references. However, we do not have control over the content and nature of these external sites, and linking to them does not imply an endorsement of their content.
  3. Azure OpenAI (Prompts for Recipe Generation):
    Vegai utilizes Azure OpenAI to generate unique and creative recipes based on user prompts. The prompts are sent to Azure OpenAI's server to process the recipe generation. Rest assured that your personal data is not sent to Azure OpenAI during this process.
  4. Replicate (Image Generation):
    To create beautiful and realistic images of the generated recipes, Vegai employs Replicate's image generation capabilities. No user data is sent to Replicate during this process.

Data Storage:
All recipes are securely stored on Firebase. It's important to note that no data is linked to the user, ensuring your privacy and data security.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our app's data usage or this Imprint & Data Usage Declaration, please contact us at .

Thank you for using Vegai! We hope you enjoy the culinary experience of AI-generated recipes and delightful images.